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Bobo Café

(Sula Leucogaster)

Es un ave marina grande común en playas del Pacífico, especialmente cerca de la rompiente. Se distingue por sus clavados desde ángulos muy cerrados. Anida en colonias en islas marinas, colocando sus nidos en el suelo. Los adultos tienen cabeza, cuello y partes superiores de color café, con vientres blancos. Los machos del Pacífico pueden tener cabezas blancas. Los juveniles presentan vientres café manchados. Su comportamiento de buceo y alimentación es vital para el ecosistema marino costero.


Bobo Café

Orden: Suliformes
Familia: Sulidae




Principales características del Bobo Café



Es un ave marina que bucea para cazar. Anida en colonias en islas, construyendo nidos en el suelo. Es territorial y monógamo durante la cría. Vive en colonias densas para cooperar y protegerse. Algunos migran estacionalmente, y los juveniles se dispersan tras la cría.


Tamaño y forma

Mide entre 70-75 cm de longitud y tiene una envergadura de 130-150 cm. Su cuerpo es aerodinámico, con cabeza y partes superiores de color café, vientre blanco y patas cortas y fuertes.



Habita en regiones tropicales y subtropicales del Pacífico y Atlántico, incluyendo costas e islas de América Central y del Sur, y el Caribe.

The Brown Booby has adapted to a variety of marine environments, demonstrating great flexibility and adaptability in its habits. It inhabits diverse coastal, insular, and oceanic zones in tropical and subtropical regions.

Coastal and Beach Areas

  • Proximity to the coast: These birds are often seen near Pacific and Atlantic beaches, especially in areas near the surf, where they can find abundant food.
  • Rocky and sandy beaches: They can be seen on both sandy beaches and rocky coasts, where they rest between hunting periods.

Oceanic Islands

  • Nesting on remote islands: They prefer to nest on remote marine islands, away from human activity, building their nests directly on the ground. Islands like the Galapagos in the Pacific and some in the Caribbean are common nesting sites.
  • Dense colonies: They form large nesting colonies on these islands, providing mutual protection and facilitating cooperation among individuals.

Open Marine Zones

  • Feeding in open sea: They spend much of their time in the open sea, hunting for food. They are expert divers, catching fish and squid in areas of high marine productivity.
  • Tropical and subtropical waters: They prefer the warm, productive waters of tropical and subtropical regions, which offer abundant food necessary for their survival.

Habitat Factors

  • Food accessibility: Their habitat is influenced by food availability. They move along marine currents that concentrate prey like fish and squid.
  • Absence of predators: They prefer nesting on islands free of terrestrial predators, increasing the survival of their chicks.
  • Climate and temperature: Warm, stable climates are essential for their reproduction and chick-rearing, avoiding extreme climates that could affect their reproductive success.


  • Fish: Their main food source is fish, which they catch in large quantities. They prefer small to medium-sized species that swim in schools near the surface.
  • Squid: Squid also form a significant part of their diet. These cephalopods are captured in deeper waters during dives.
  • Crustaceans and other marine invertebrates: Though less common, they may also feed on small crustaceans and other marine invertebrates when available.

Feeding Techniques

  • Plunge diving: The Brown Booby is known for its ability to plunge dive. It launches from considerable heights and enters the water at a sharp angle to catch its prey with precision.
  • Group hunting: These birds often hunt in groups, which allows them to surround schools of fish and increase their chances of success.

Feeding Patterns

  • Daily diet: Brown Boobies need to feed several times a day to meet their energy needs. The abundance and availability of prey influence their feeding patterns and movements.
  • Hunting distances: They can travel considerable distances from their nesting colonies to find food, sometimes traveling several kilometers offshore.


Nesting is a carefully coordinated process that maximizes the survival chances of chicks in a challenging environment. Their choice to nest on remote islands and their cooperative behavior are key strategies for reproductive success.

Nest Location

  • Remote islands: They prefer nesting on oceanic islands away from human activity, where they find a safe environment free from terrestrial predators.
  • Dense colonies: They form large nesting colonies, with numerous nests close to each other, facilitating cooperation and mutual protection.

Nest Construction

  • Ground nests: They build their nests directly on the ground, using available materials like stones, dry vegetation, and feathers.
  • Simplicity: The nests are simple depressions in the ground, often reinforced with small rocks or shells for greater stability.

Nesting Season

  • Seasonality: The nesting season varies by location, but generally occurs during periods of greater food availability.
  • Synchronization: In some regions, nesting is synchronized with the rainy seasons, ensuring an adequate food supply for the chicks.

Reproduction and Rearing

  • Eggs: The female typically lays 1-2 eggs, although usually only one chick survives due to competition and resource availability.
  • Incubation: Both parents share the responsibility of incubating the eggs, taking turns to keep them warm and protect them from predators.
  • Parental care: After hatching, both parents feed and care for the chicks, bringing them regurgitated food to ensure their growth and development.

Chick Development

  • Growth period: Chicks stay in the nest for several weeks, completely dependent on their parents for food and protection.
  • First flight: Once young birds develop enough feathers and strength, they leave the nest to make their first flights and begin hunting on their own.

Territorial Behavior

  • Nest defense: During the breeding season, Brown Boobies are very territorial, aggressively defending their nests against intruders and other colony members.
  • Courtship rituals: Adults perform complex courtship rituals before nesting, including head movements and synchronized flight displays.
The Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster) is notable for its versatile and cooperative behavior. This species stands out for its ability to dive from great heights, plunging into the water to capture fish and squid. They often hunt in groups, which allows them to surround and catch schools of fish more effectively.
During the breeding season, the Brown Booby nests in large colonies on remote islands, where it builds simple ground nests. They are very territorial during this period, aggressively defending their nests against intruders. They generally form monogamous pairs seasonally, and both parents participate in incubating the eggs and caring for the chicks, feeding them regurgitated fish. They live in dense colonies, which facilitates communication, cooperation, and mutual protection. They use a variety of vocalizations and visual displays to communicate, especially during breeding.
Some populations migrate seasonally, while juveniles disperse widely after leaving the nesting colonies. Adapted to maximize efficiency in capturing prey, Brown Boobies adjust their feeding patterns to the availability of resources, showing high resilience and adaptability to different environmental conditions. Their presence and reproductive success are indicators of marine environment health and resource abundance.

El Bobo Café se ha adaptado a vivir en una variedad de ambientes marinos, desde las costas hasta las aguas profundas del océano, demostrando una gran flexibilidad y adaptabilidad en sus hábitos de vida. Tiene un hábitat principalmente marino, abarcando diversas zonas costeras, insulares y oceánicas en regiones tropicales y subtropicales. Descripción más detallada de su hábitat:

Costas y playas

Proximidad a la costa: Estas aves a menudo se observan cerca de las playas del Pacífico y el Atlántico, especialmente en áreas cercanas a la rompiente, donde pueden encontrar abundante alimento.

Playas rocosas y arenosas: Se les puede ver tanto en playas de arena como en costas rocosas, donde pueden descansar entre periodos de caza.

Islas oceánicas

Anidación en islas remotas: Prefieren anidar en islas marinas alejadas de la actividad humana, donde construyen sus nidos directamente en el suelo. Las islas del Pacífico, como las Galápagos, y algunas islas del Caribe son sitios comunes de anidación.

Colonias densas: Forman grandes colonias de anidación en estas islas, lo que proporciona protección mutua y facilita la cooperación entre individuos.

Zonas marinas abiertas

Alimentación en mar abierto: Pasan gran parte de su tiempo en mar abierto, buscando alimento. Son expertos buceadores y cazan peces y calamares en áreas de alta productividad marina.

Aguas tropicales y subtropicales: Prefieren las aguas cálidas y productivas de las regiones tropicales y subtropicales. Estas áreas ofrecen una abundante fuente de alimento necesaria para su supervivencia.

Factores de hábitat

Accesibilidad al alimento: Su hábitat está influenciado por la disponibilidad de alimento. Se desplazan a lo largo de las corrientes marinas que concentran presas como peces y calamares.

Ausencia de depredadores: Prefieren anidar en islas libres de depredadores terrestres, lo que aumenta la supervivencia de sus crías.

Clima y temperatura: Las regiones de clima cálido y estable son esenciales para su reproducción y crianza de polluelos, evitando áreas con climas extremos que podrían afectar su éxito reproductivo.

Brown Booby

The Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster) emits a variety of sounds, especially during the breeding season. Their vocalizations include grunts, growls, and squawks used to communicate with each other, defend their territories, and during courtship rituals. Males and females have distinctive calls, with males emitting higher-pitched sounds and females producing deeper vocalizations.

Cool facts

  1. Curious Name: The name “Booby” comes from the Spanish word “bobo,” meaning “fool” or “clown.” This name is due to their seemingly clumsy behavior on land, where they are less agile than in water or air.
  2. Courtship Rituals: During the breeding season, Brown Boobies perform elaborate courtship rituals that include head movements, wing displays, and coordinated vocalizations. These rituals help strengthen pair bonds and ensure compatibility.
  3. Spectacular Dives: They are known for their impressive dives. They can plunge from heights of up to 30 meters, entering the water at sharp angles and reaching high speeds to capture their prey with precision.
  4. Adapted Eyes: Their eyes are adapted to see clearly both in the air and underwater, allowing them to locate and track their prey with great accuracy, a crucial hunting skill.
  5. Noisy Colonies: In nesting colonies, Brown Boobies are very vocal. The colonies can be quite noisy due to constant calls and territorial disputes among individuals, creating a very dynamic and active environment.

Reference source

Birds of the world




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